Etapas Certificação ANATEL

Steps for ANATEL certification

1 - Technical Analysis and Quotations - Submission of documentation and technical characteristics of the product and/or product family for analysis, preparation of a commercial proposal and its subsequent approval.
2 - Sample Configurations - With the approved proposal, our experts will contact you to request the samples and configurations necessary for the tests.
3 - Laboratory - The tests are performed in an accredited laboratory and, if you have one, the reports can be sent for analysis and approval.
4 - Project Management - Our team prepares all the necessary documentation and closely monitors all stages of your project.
5 - Certification - With the submission of all documentation and tests reports, the product is certified and sent for approval by Anatel.
6 - ANATEL - Anatel then analyzes the documentation and issues the approval of the product or product family.
7 - Issuance of the ANATEL Approval Certificate - The product is approved and you can sell the products, always following the labeling guidelines, product manual, and certificate validity.
We wish you luck with your sales!